You want to add emoji keyboard on your iPhone so that you can share emoticons of your choice with your loved ones? There is nothing more simple. As always, when you want add a new language or add emojis to your iPhone, you will then have to add new keyboard. Once the emoji keyboard has been added to your iOS system, you can then benefit from a large panel of smileys and emojis of all kinds. Plus the system iOS advance in the versions, more emojis are then available. Thus, you will find in this article the different steps to follow in order toadd emoji keyboard on an iPhone device and power express your emotions through these very expressive little drawings. Good reading!

iphone emoji keyboard

the different steps to follow in order toadd emoji keyboard on an iPhone device

To be able to use the emoticons on your Apple device, you will need add emoji keyboard to your system. Here's how to do it:

  • Go to the game Settings from your iPhone
  • Enter General
  • Press Keyboard
  • Press again Claviers
  • Press Add a keyboard
  • Choose Emoji in the list of keyboards that will appear on your iPhone screen
iphone emoji keyboard

You will find in this article how to use emoji on your iphone keyboard.

How to use memoji on your iPhone

A memoji is meant to represent you and therefore look like you. Depending on your mood, you can send your emotion through your memoji. There are also animated memoji that will mimic your facial expressions as well as your voice.

Here are the steps to follow in order to create your own memoji:

  • Open Messages
  • Push the button Write
  • Push the button Memoji
  • Swipe right on your iPhone screen
  • Press New Memoji
  • Configure your memoji according to your personal criteria (your skin color, eyes, hair, hairstyle, etc.)
  • Press OK