You wonder how Supprimer la location of gallery on a device iPhone? It is indeed possible to removesr them GPS coordinates on the photos on your iPhone. Indeed, the photos taken with your Apple device contain all kinds of data that we do not necessarily want to make accessible to other people. This is why it is important to know how deactivate la GPS location pictures on iOS. Note that it is also possible to hide photo folders on iPhone if you want to keep all the data of your photos confidential. Thus, you will find in this article the steps to follow in order to Supprimer la location of gallery on iPhone. Good reading!

remove iphone photos location

Why turn off GPS location of photos on iOS?

You should know that from the moment you take a photo with your iPhone, it will then integrate a multitude of data into your device, including the exact location of the place where the snapshot was taken. This localization is supposed to help your iPhone to create your various memory albums, (photo slideshows with text and music) according to places and times. However, this information can sometimes be useful to you, as well as embarrassing.

If you want to keep a minimum of privacy and no one can know where you captured certain moments on your iPhone, then you will have to disable location on your photos.

Steps to remove photo location on your iPhone

Here are the steps to follow in order to remove the location of your photo files on your iPhone:

  • Open the game Settings from your iPhone
  • Go to the game Policy
  • Then enter Services and location
  • Open Camera
  • Choose Never
iphone localization images

Thus, the GPS location of your photos will no longer appear on your iPhone.