You are probably wondering how uninstall un game on your device Macbook Air if you no longer use the latter. Indeed, any application or software downloaded from the Internet and which you want to get rid of must be uninstalled et deleted from your device Macbook Air by following very precise indications. It is also strongly recommended to uninstall as well as Supprimer regularly which applications you no longer use on your device Macbook Air in order to free up a maximum ofhard disk space on your computer and thus allow it to operate at peak performance. Indeed, a device Macbook Air including L'storage space is practically saturated will work less well and will be fine slower one Macbook whose disk is ventilated and whose unnecessary files are regularly emptied. Thus, you will find in this article the different steps to follow in order to uninstall un game on your device Macbook Air. Good reading!

uninstall macbook air game

the steps to follow to uninstall a game on your Macbook Air

Here are the steps to follow in order to uninstall and Supprimer a software or an application (such as a game for example) on your Macbook Air:

  • Go to your device's Finder Macbook Air
  • Search for the software you want to remove by directly typing the name of the game in question in the search bar
uninstall remove mac air game
  • Drag the game (the icon) to the trash can on your device Macbook Air
  • Press OK

Il It is also possible to delete the icon of the game you want to delete from your device's dock Macbook Air. You will only have to launch the game you want to delete on your device Macbook Air from the folder Applications and open the menu. Then press the tab Preferences then on the tab General and uncheck the box Show game icon in menu bar. The icon of the game you want to delete no longer appears in the bar Dock from your device Macbook Air.

Permanently delete a game on Mac using the Appcleaner app

AppCleaner is software effective which will provide you with features efficient as well as a intuitive platform. The application AppCleaner will allow you to uninstall as well as Supprimer finally any game you could have downloaded to your device Macbook Air, but also all downloads associated with this game. Indeed, you can completely delete an application directly from the folder Applications on your device's hard drive Macbook Air but be aware that when you delete a game in this way from your computer, the files in Preferences, Caches as well as many other data associated with the game will not be deleted at the same time, and will always occupy unnecessary space on your device Macbook Air.

If you choose to uninstall and permanently delete a game with the app AppCleaner, you then allow your device Macbook Air de save storage space and to be so more performant and more Fast thanks to the fact that all the files downloaded in parallel when downloading your game will also be completely and permanently deleted on your device Macbook Air.