it is quite possible to block a message of a person on your iPhone device. You can also block a contact on your iPhone. It will then not be possible for your interlocutor to know that you have blocked the sms coming from him. So you can block, filter or even signaler messages that annoy you (from unknown numbers or from one of your contacts) at any time. You will therefore find in this article the steps to follow in order to block messages on your iPhone device. Note that it will then be possible to unblock a correspondent as soon as you need it. Good reading!

stop iphone messages

Steps to block messages from unknown numbers on iPhone

If you do not want to receive sms from senders whose identity you do not know (a number that is not listed in your iPhone contact list), then you can filter iMessages messages. The messages will then be sent back to a section called Unknown senders from the list Messages. Here are the steps to follow in order to stop seeing messages from unknown numbers in your inbox of your iPhone device:

  • Appointment in Part Settings from your device
  • Meet in the Messages
  • REACH Filter unknown senders
block iphone messages

The steps to follow in order to block messages from specific contacts or numbers on an iPhone

Here are the steps to follow to block messages de contacts listed in your iphone or specific numbers on your iPhone device:

  • Open the application Messages on your iPhone
  • Select the message of the person (contact) or number you want to block
  • Touch the name of the contact (or number) you want to block
  • Press the small " i »Which is located at the top right
  • Go to the game Info
  • Slide your finger down the screen until the button appears. Block this correspondent

How to manage your list of numbers and correspondents whose messages are blocked

You can have at any time access to your list of blocked people (or numbers). You therefore have the possibility of unblock a number or a contact as soon as you feel the need or the urge. Here are the steps to follow in order to manage your contact list or blocked phone numbers on your iPhone device:

  • Appointment in Part Settings from your iPhone device
  • Open the application Messages
  • Access to Blocked contacts