If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer does not light et beep, it means that there is a main, as you can imagine. It is quite possible to overcome this problem quickly, without having great knowledge in terms of IT. Usually, the screen stays black. However, make sure your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is well loaded. In this article, you will find the different reasons for a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer to emit one or more tones and not lights up more as well as the various steps to follow in order to ensure that your Apple device turns on correctly, without any gdp emanating from your Mac. Good reading!

Mac won't turn on and beep

Why does my Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer stop turning on and beeping?

It may be that your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer has simply suffered a shock which has resulted in dislodging one or more RAM memories. If these memories are not properly seated, that's why your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer will emit one or more tones and have difficulty starting up.

Each tone or set of tones has of course a precise meaning. Your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer can then send either:

  • Three tones clear
  • A gdp repeated every 5 seconds
  • three long tones, three short tones then again three long tones

In the case of three beeps in a row, it means that the RAM memory your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer does not have not satisfied with the completeness check.

If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is emitting a tone repeated every five seconds, that will mean thatno RAM memory is installed on your Apple device.

If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is broadcasting three long tones, three short tones then three long tones, this is explained by the EFI ROM who is corrupted.

You may also hear a consist of when you hold the power button on your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer, such as a long beep. Don't panic, it just means your Mac is performing a ROM and EFI update. In this case, you do not have to follow any steps, the update will be automatic and when you restart your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer, you will not hear any sound by pressing the Power button from your Mac.

How to fix Mac crashing that beeps and won't turn on?

First of all, you will need open the RAM memory slot to make sure they are well fixed in their housing as well as in the side claws. If this is not the case, all you have to do is replace the RAM memory (s) concerned. If, despite these checks and adjustments, your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer still does not turn on and the gdp persists, then you can try to remove the (or them) Fingers(s) to ensure that it is not a problem at this level.

If, despite these checks and repositionings, your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer continues to emit a sound and refuses to turn on, you will then have to go to a Apple specialty store or at a Apple product expert. He can then perform a full expertise et depth and will direct you to the steps to follow.

We advise you this article in the event that your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer no longer starts up and gets stuck on a gray screen. If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer no longer turns on and gets stuck on a black screen, you will find the steps to follow in this article.