Whether your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is transmitting 3 successive beeps wants to warn you that something is not going as planned, that there is a main. It could also be a simple update. Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computers often emit sounds, for example when starting up, or even when shutting down. Every sound has a meaning, as you can imagine. You will find in this article the origin and the meaning of a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer that beeps three times in a row, as well as the operations that will have to be done to overcome this problem. Good reading!

3 beeps in a row mac

3 successive tones on a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer

If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is broadcasting 3 successive beeps at intervals of approximately five seconds, it means that RAM memory did not pass the data integrity check. You may have recently replaced or just upgraded the RAM memory on your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer and it was not installed properly. So check this data. If the problem persists, visit an Apple professional immediately or contact Apple Support directly.

One pib repeated every five seconds on a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer

If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is broadcasting a recurring tone every 5 seconds, this means thatno RAM memory is installed on your Apple device. Again, if you've replaced or upgraded the RAM's. your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer, check that the latter is correctly installed. If, despite these checks, the problem persists and your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer continues to beep, go to an Apple expert and contact Apple support.

Three long beeps, three short beeps, and three long beeps on a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer

If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is broadcasting three long tones, three short tones then again three long tones, it means that the EFI ROM is corrupted and your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer is trying to restore. On newer Macs, the ROM is automatically restored. A progress bar will then appear on your Mac screen during this recovery operation. Please do not try to shut down or manipulate your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer during the ROM restore process. Your Mac will automatically shut down at the end of the process and restart on its own when the ROM is repaired and functional.

One long beep when the Power button is pressed

Don't worry, if your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer emits a long tone when the power button is held down, it simply means that an EFI ROM update is in progress. The update will be done automatically, you don't have to do anything.

If your Macbook Air or Macbook Pro computer refuses to start, this article will list the steps to follow in order to overcome this problem.